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IMO FTPC Part 5: 低播焰测试/表面材料可燃性测试

IMO FTPC Part 5: Test for surface flammability- IMO Res.A.653(16) & IMO Res.A.687(17)

IMO FTPC Part 5: 低播焰测试/表面材料可燃性测试- IMO Res.A.653(16) & IMO Res.A.687(17)


IMO FTPC Part 5适用范围

适用用舱壁、衬板、天花板和甲板表面(Surface materials for bulkheads and ceilings and similar exposed surfaces, floor coverings)材料的可燃性测试,根据IMO Res.A.653(16) & IMO Res.A.687(17)来进行IMO FTPC Part 5表面可燃性测试。


IMO FTPC Part 5等级评估

Bulkhead,   wall and ceiling linings

Floor   coverings

CFE     Qsb       Qt      Qp

Kw/m2    MJ/m2     MJ      kW

CFE     Qsb       Qt      Qp

Kw/m2    MJ/m2     MJ      kW

20     1.5     0.7     4.0

7.0     0.25    2.0    10.0


其中   CFE: Critical flux at extinguishment 熄灭时临界热辐射量

       Qsb: Heat for sustained burning   持续燃烧热值

       Qt: Total heat release 热释放总值

       Qp: Peak heat release rate 热释放峰值


IMO FTPC Part 5测试方法

A specimen with dimensions 800mm x 155mm is exposed in vertical position to a graded radiant heat flux field supplied by a gas-fired radiant panel. The angle between the specimen and the radiant panel is 15°.

The distribution of the heat flux field along the specimen is calibrated at fixed positions 100 mm apart. The values of the heat flux field at these positions as specified in the standard are between 1,5 and 50,5 kW/m2.

Gases given off from the specimen are ignited by a pilot flame from a burner which is situated at the end of the specimen which is nearest to the radiant panel. The combustion gases are drawn off through a fume stack above the specimen.

The test is terminated when any one of the following is applicable;

1.    The specimen fails to ignite after a 10 minute exposure

2.    Three minutes have pass since all flaming from the specimen ceased.

3.    Flaming reaches the end of the specimen or self extinguishes and thus ceases to progress along the specimen. This criterion is only used when heat release measurements are not being made.

4.    In the case of floorcoverings, the test shall be terminated after 40 minutes.


欧洲Wheel Mark认证和美国USCG认证

船舶材料/设备用在欧洲注册的船舶上面需要根据船舶设备指令MED 2014/90/EU要求进行测试并执行Wheel Mark认证,而到美国注册的船舶则需要美国海上警卫队USCG认证。


根据欧盟认证指令的规定,欧盟相关指令认证只能由欧盟境内注册的指定机构执行,获得欧盟授权后,将可以对用于悬挂欧盟船旗船舶的(法定)产品签发MED认证证书和授予“舵轮”标志。MED指令中涉及的所有设备,都要求应该贴上“Wheel Mark 的齿轮标签。MED认证的Wheel Mark齿轮标志,附于符合船用设备指令的产品上,由齿轮、公告机构NB的标识号、产品出厂年份的最后两位数字组成。


IMO MSC 307(88) FTPC– 相关测试标准

IMO FTPC Part 1: Non-combustibility test 不燃物测试

IMO FTPC Part 2: Smoke and toxicity test 烟雾毒性测试

IMO FTPC Part 4: Test for fire door control systems 防火门控制系统测试

IMO FTPC Part 5: Test for surface flammability 低播焰测试/表面燃烧试验

IMO FTPC Part 6: Test for surface flammability 低播焰测试/表面燃烧试验

IMO FTPC Part 7: Test for vertically supported textiles and films 垂直放置的纺织物料和覆膜测试

IMO FTPC Part 8: Test for upholstered furniture 软垫家具测试

IMO FTPC Part 9: Test for bedding components 床上用品测试

ISO 9705 and ISO 5660: Test for fire-restricting materials for high-speed craft 高速船舶防火材料



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